PMA Assistant Professor Juan Manuel Aldape Muñoz to Speak at Harvard University

PMA Assistant Professor Juan Manuel Aldape Muñoz will be speaking at Harvard University’s Theater and Performance Studies Colloquium on Friday, March 7, from 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM. The event is coordinated by Eunice Lee and Sarah Gonzalez.

Aldape Muñoz spoke to us about his presentation, called "Choreographing Deportation: Rethinking Immigration from Dance."

“I will be presenting a revised version of my recently published article in Dance Research Journal on performances that treat the topic of deportation and linking it to current popular discussions on immigration enforcement and border security. I will discuss the indispensable role that dance and choreography can play in helping us give language to the current social landscape competing over how we define belonging.”

Read more about Aldape Muñoz’s work:

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Juan Manuel Aldape Muñoz thumbnail headshot below an image of a person with the upper half of their body pushed up and through a series of ropes that are set horizontally across two poles. Photo credit: Scott Tsuchitani.   The Theater & Performance Colloquium Presents: Choreographing Deportation: Rethinking Immigration From Dance. Friday, March 7, 4-5pm, Barker 316. Juan Manuel Aldape Muñoz, Assistant Professor at Cornell University, Department of Performing and Media Arts. Department of English, Harvard Un