A Whale Who Drank a Fish Bowl, a feature-length film directed by PMA Lecturer Doorim Kim, is an official narrative feature selection of the 19th Cinema on the Bayou Film Festival. It will premiere there on Monday, January 29 at 10:30 AM CST.
The film is a fantasy road trip movie about 25-year-old Jisoo, who feels like a stranger living in the New York countryside. She meets mysterious people on her way to the airport to run away from her life, reflects on her own life, and discovers who she is.
“I make films because it is the only language that is composed of both image and sound,” Kim says. “My projects are full of symbolic images and unrelated infinite sound. Through my work, the clash of images and unrelated sound makes the audience think subjectively. It makes the audience move to my world from their world and navigate the way by their meanings.”
Learn more: https://cotb2024.eventive.org/films/a-whale-who-drank-a-fish-bowl-6588a4e1be74cf0098a1c485
Watch the trailer here: https://vimeo.com/709577785